Inlet wave-current dynamics and interactions are vital to the physical exchanges in a lagoon-inlet-coastal ocean system. A wave-current coupled model was calibrated and validated against observational data, and then applied to investigate the complex dynamics in the Maryland Coastal Bays during Hurricane Irene (2011). With the inclusion of wave-current interactions, skill in simulating the maximum total water surface elevation was improved under hurricane conditions. Major processes of wave-current interactions include the radiation stressinduced setup and current, and water depth variation-induced wave breaking. Wave-induced bottom friction and sea surface roughness are of secondary importance to nearshore dynamics. Further investigations reveal that tidal currents and ocean swells dominate inlet circulation and wave dynamics, respectively. Physical dynamics within the paired inlets are regulated by local winds, wave-current interactions, and unique inlet characteristics. However, wave dynamics in the lagoon and behind inlets are dominated by local winds and modulated by the shallow bathymetry. With the hypothetical closure of any inlet, wave-current dynamics and interactions behind the corresponding inlet are strongly altered, whereas they are weakly influenced from a remote one. Occasionally, the circulation near the narrow Ocean City Inlet area is influenced moderately by artificially shutting down the relatively wider Chincoteague Inlet. The finding from this work on the Maryland Coastal Bays can be beneficial to understanding similar lagoon-inlet-coastal ocean systems elsewhere. Longuet-Higgins and Stewart (1964), who proposed that two-dimensional (2D), depth-averaged wave radiation stress is responsible for generating the wave-induced setup and longshore currents in the surf zone. This proposal was verified by observations in the shallow regions of North Carolina (Lentz et al., 1999; Lentz and Raubenheimer, 1999), Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii (Lowe et al., 2009), and the Red Sea (Lentz et al., 2016). Perrie et al. (2003) determined that the conversion of excessive momentum fluxes from waves to surface currents begins to take effect during intense storms. Recently, Mellor (2005, 2013, 2015) extended the work of Longuet-Higgins and Stewart (1964) and derived vertically dependent equations of radiation stress. Subsequently, the significance of this newly developed three-dimensional (3D) radiation stress was recognized in shallow-water dynamics from idealized numerical experiments (