Abstract:The design of a segmented-rod projectile is often simplified into an ideal one in theoretical analysis for the convenience of modeling of its performance. But the actual performance of non-ideal segmented-rod projectiles over the impact velocity range in practical applications was rarely explored. AUTODYN numerical code is used to investigate the influence of the component design upon the penetration performance of non-ideal segmented-rod projectiles over a wide range of impact velocities, which can be used to guide the optimal design of weaponry segmented-rod projectiles.The enhanced penetration performance of segmented-rod projectiles over the traditional monolithic projectiles has been realized through experimental and numerical studies. Most of previous researches focused on ideal segmented-rod projectiles, which consist of segments only, while limited researches have been devoted to the penetration performance of non-ideal ones. A non-ideal segmented-rod projectile includes not only segmented rods but also carrier tube and fillers for assembly and integrity purposes. Due to the high cost of experimental studies and the complexity of the problem, numerical modeling has become an important tool to design the segmented-rod projectiles to maximize their penetration performance.The impact velocity range used in this paper is based on previous experimental work by Sorenson et al [1] and Orphal et al [2] on non-ideal segmented-rod projectiles. Wang et al [3] compared the penetration performance of actual segmented-rod projectiles with that of monolithic rods through an experimental program in a narrow range of impact velocity. It was found that there exists a transition impact velocity, beyond which deeper penetration is achieved by segmented-rod projectiles. These previous studies demonstrate the increased penetration performance of segmented-rod projectiles over the monolithic rods. However, the influence of the assembly components on the penetration performance of actual segmented-rod projectiles has not been studied.Numerical modeling based on AUTODYN is used in this paper to investigate the influences of design parameters on the penetration performance of non-ideal segmented-rod projectiles over a wide range of impact velocity.
Numerical models of non-ideal segmented rod projectilesWang et al [3] conducted experiments to investigate the penetration of segmented-rod projectiles into semiinfinite target over an impact velocity range between 1.8 and 2.0 km/s. This particular range of impact velocity covers the transition velocity, beyond which the segmented-rod projectile over-performs the corresponding monolithic rod projectile with the same diameter and mass [3] . In this paper experimental results reported by Wang et al [3] were simulated using AUTODYN code. AUTODYN is a non-linear dynamic analysis code, which has been widely used in simulating dynamic structural responses subjected to impact and blast loads [4] . Two designs were selected for studying, segmented-rod projectile with carrier tube and ...