Three natural variants (wild-type staphylokinase, [R36G, R43H]staphylokinase, and [G34S, R36G, R43Hlstaphylokinase) of the bacterial plasminogen-activator staphylokinase, a 136-aminoacid protein secreted by certain Staphylococcus aureus strains, have been characterized. These variants differ at amino acid positions 34, 36 and 43 only, and have a very similar plasminogenactivating capacity and conformation in solution, as revealed by fluorescence spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering and circular dichroism. However, the thermostability of these variants is significantly different.At 70°C and 0. ]staphylokinase, respectively. Dynamic light-scattering measurements indicated that inactivation was associated with protein aggregation, which precluded accurate determination of transition temperatures and enthalpies of unfolding. 0.08 -0.34 mg/ml [G34S, R36G, R43H]staphylokinase, however, did not aggregate at 70°C but underwent unfolding as revealed by a 20% increase in the Stokes' radius and a 30% decrease in circular dichroism. The unfolding was reversible upon cooling and was associated with full recovery of functional activity.Thus, these natural variants of staphylokinase have a different sensitivity to thermal inactivation, that is mediated by reversible unfolding of the protein and concentration-dependent irreversible aggregation. [G34S, R36G, R43H]staphylokinase, the most resistant natural variant, has a stability approaching the minimal requirements for pasteurization, which would facilitate its development for clinical use.The thermostability of proteins is an important property for potential industrial or medical applications. The parameters determining thermostability are not well defined and approaches to increase the stability of proteins are lacking [l]. The structural basis of the thermostability of proteins with known three-dimensional structure may be investigated either by specific amino acid replacements via site-directed mutagenesis [2-61, or by analysis of spontaneous or induced genetic variants [7, 81. Staphylokinase, a 136 amino acid protein secreted by certain Staphylococcus aureus strains after lysogenic conversion by phages of different serological groups, activates the plasma fibrinolytic system of several species [9]. Three genes Abbreviations. Wild-type staphylokinase, staphylokinase with glycine, arginine and arginine residues at positions 34, 36 and 43, respectively ; [R36G, R43H]staphylokinase, variant of wild-type staphylokinase with Arg36 and Arg43 replaced by glycine and histidine, respectively; [G34S, R36G, R43H]staphylokinase, variant of wild-type staphylokinase with Arg36 and Arg43 replaced by glycine and histidine, respectively, and Gly34 replaced by serine; AH,, enthalpy of unfolding ; t,, transition temperature encoding wild-type variants of staphylokinase (sak@C, sak42D, sakSTAR) have been characterized [lo -121 which differ at four nucleotide positions within the staphylokinase coding region. Three of these differences represent amino acid exchanges, corresponding to positi...