The Sustainable Development Goals and the strategies that seek to realize them, such as the 'Green New Deal', the European post-COVID-19 'Next Generation Recovery and Resilience' program, or the Horizon Europe Missions, call on all societal actors to place public policies at the center of collaborative responses in order to effectively implement these agendas. Sustainability transitions theory proposes intermediary actors as a specific instrument to facilitate systemicoriented collaboration processes through novel governance approaches focused on long-term, experimentation and learning. At the same time, due to their capacity to articulate a transformational vision among partners and create a comfortable space for the sustained interaction of stakeholders with very different natures, multi-stakeholder partnerships are considered to be effective vehicles for conducting the intermediation role. However, a research gap has been highlighted because the characterization of multi-stakeholder partnerships as intermediaries, their functions in different transition contexts and practical influence on public policies have yet to be fully elaborated. In addition, thanks to their potential to promote both bottom-up and top-down approaches, higher education institutions are called upon to play an active role in partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals. A second research gap thus corresponds to the need for more evidence regarding the specificities of the role of higher education institutions in intermediary and multi-stakeholder arrangements.Gracias, de corazón, a mis directores de tesis, Teresa Sánchez y Carlos Mataix. Teresa, conocerte ha sido una de las mejoras cosas que me ha traído esta aventura. Gracias por tu genialidad, generosidad y apoyo constante y desinteresado. Esta tesis es fruto del trabajo y contribuciones de muchas personas, pero sin duda, no hubiera sido lo mismo sin tu claridad y lucidez. Carlos, es difícil agradecer en pocas palabras a una persona como tú, con la que desde hace tantos años comparto el día a día y de la que aprendo en cada momento. Gracias por haber hecho posible que haya llegado hasta aquí, gracias por tu cariño, generosidad, empuje, tenacidad, compromiso. Gracias por todo.Quiero agradecer a todas las personas que con vuestra alegría y esfuerzo llenáis de sentido la vida. Y gracias a todas aquellas que os desvivís por nuestros niños y niñas; son la base para que nuestras sociedades sean menos desiguales y más prósperas, y para que nuestro planeta sea un lugar que merezca la pena seguir habitando.Gracias a toda mi familia, a mi madre, a mi padre y, sobre todo, a Nora y a Candela. Gracias por vuestra infinita paciencia y generosidad estos años, y por compartir conmigo lo mejor de vosotras.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTSAn investigation on the topic of collaboration would have been impossible without the hard work of a large number of people and organizations. For their dedication and commitment, I would like to thank all those people who are part of the systemic collaborative platforms