this makes it one of the most promising candidates to meet the energy needs for powering future EVs. [ 6,[19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26] Research on Li-S batteries began in the early 1960s. [ 24,27 ] In the following fi ve decades, only limited progress was made based on sporadic research efforts in this fi eld. Recently, in the light of nanoporous carbon materials, the cell performance was greatly improved and the research passion on Li-S batteries has been revived. [ 20,28,29 ] Unlike Li-ion batteries that use Li + -ion insertion chemistry in intercalation inorganic compounds for both cathode and anode, Li-S batteries are based on a conversion reaction of S forming Li 2 S via polysulfi des as intermediate species (Li 2 S n , n = 4-8), which could deliver a high specifi c capacity of 1672 mAh g −1 . [ 20,24 ] However, to realize commercial Li-S batteries, there are still many technical challenges to be solved from cathode to anode, as well as electrolyte. [ 22,30,31 ] The performances of different components in Li-S batteries are often related to each other. For example, the improvements in S based cathode could benefi t from reduced degradation in metallic Li anode by minimizing polysulfi de migration and shuttle effect. In general, Li-S batteries suffer from low S utilization and short cycle life, which originate from poor conductivity of sulfur and its discharged product Li 2 S, self-discharge, large volume expansion (≈80%) upon the formation of Li 2 S, and the dissolution of polysulfi des in liquid electrolytes. [ 24,32,33 ] The insulating nature of S and the large volume expansion of S cathode upon discharge can be largely overcome via forming nanocomposite with highly porous carbon materials, which could greatly improve the S utilization and rate performance. [ 21,25,32,34 ] In addition, the porous cathode structure could hold the formed polysulfi des in the pores so as to reduce the degree of dissolution of polysulfi des into the electrolyte. Recently, it was also found that the synthesis of metastable small S molecules of S 2-4 confi ned in a conductive microporous carbon matrix could avoid the unfavorable formation of long chain polysulfi des, thus avoiding the S dissolution problem. [35][36][37] Although signifi cant improvements have been made in the cyclability of S/C composite cathodes, [ 21,24,28,38 ] there are still many problems involved in Li-S batteries before this technology can be adopted for practical applications. In contrast to the enormous research efforts on S cathode side, the Li metal anode in Li-S batteries, which is directly involved in the shuttle mechanism and the capacity failure, has attracted much less attention. [ 24,39 ] Recently, with the signifi cant improvements in the development of high capacity S cathodes using stable C/S composites, the research spotlight is falling on the anode side With the signifi cant progress that has been made toward the development of cathode materials and electrolytes in lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries in recent years, the stability of the anod...