Artes GE. Comparative study of the effects of dexamethasone and diclofenac sodium on the repair process of induced wounds in the ventral tongue of rats. [dissertation]. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Odontologia; 2012. Versão Corrigida.Inflammation is a protective response to rid the body of the initial cause of cell damage and its consequences, but when excessive and unmodulated, may cause progressive destruction of tissue. The aim of this study is to clarify the influence of The lesions were photographed immediately at surgical time and at sacrifice, the photos were used for clinical analysis of the repair process and morphometry. The tongues were excised and sent for histological processing, the slices were directed for staining with hematoxylin-eosin and toluidine blue, for disclosure and count of the number of mast cells. The characteristics of the repair process were described through qualitative evaluation of the following components: extension of necrotic areas; intensity of interstitial edema, type and intensity of inflammatory infiltrate; degrees of reepithelialization, granulation tissue and neovascularization. Slices stained with HE also had their fields scanned and analyzed morphometrically to quantify reepithelialization, measurements of the granulation tissue, cellularity and edema. The results of semiquantitative histological analysis showed that diclofenac and dexamethasone led to lower inflammatory infiltrate compared to control in the inflammatory phase of repair, although in the productive phase dexamethasone showed less intensity of reepithelialization and neovascularization compared to the other groups. The results of the histomorphometric analysis showed significantly less edema in the diclofenac group at 6h (p = 0.0041) and 24 (p = 0.0429), as well as a lower percentage of cellularity in 6 hours in the dexamethasone group (p <0.0001).The diclofenac group also exhibited lower lesion area at 120h than the other groups (p = 0.0060), indicating greater efficiency of repair. Regarding the quantity of mast cells 24, 48 and 120 hours, the control group exhibited significantly higher values (p <0.0001). Based on these results, we conclude that the dexamethasone group showed the worst performance in relation to repair; that diclofenac sodium showed a better effect on surgical wound closure and greater reduction of inflammatory infiltration, and that both cause a reduction of mast cells in the injured area.