Histocompatibility was assessed in the RIR-Y8/NU, BL-E, YL, and WL-G chicken closed colonies by hemagglutination test using anti-red blood cell (RBC) antibodies (HT), skin transplantation test (STT), and formation of isohemagglutinins (FIHs) during STT. The YL individuals all showed the survival of skingrafts for more than 17 days with no FIHs in STT and no RBC antigenic variations in HT, indicating a histocompatible nature together with high homogeneity at serological loci. The BL-E as well as WL-G closed colonies were also found to be histocompatible in the STT with no FIHs, although the HT showed heterogeneities at serological locus/loci other than the B and C blood group loci which have significant effects on histocompatibility or FIHs in chicken. In the RIR-Y8/NU closed colonies, one individual in 6 reciprocal combinations of the STT showed early skingraft rejection with positive FIHs caused by different B locus alleles, and the HT suggested relatively high heterogeneities at the other serological loci too. The closed colonies of YL, BL-E, and WL-G will be useful avian materials for transplantation or related experiments, but RIR-Y8/NU needs further pedigree selection for serological homogeneity.