In this study the larynx, trachea, and lungs of one 1.5-year-old adult female lynx (Lynx lynx) were examined. The macro anatomical and histological structure of the larynx cartilages, trachea, and lungs were tried to be revealed by dissection and measurements. It was determined that the trachea had 48 cartilage rings (cartilago trachealis) up to the bifurcatio trachealis, the diameters of which narrow as they approach the lungs. The total tracheal length was 172.36 mm. It was seen that the cross-section of the lynx trachea resembled a circle. The hyaline cartilage structure surrounding the trachea was determined. A muscle structure called musculus transversus trachea, which closes the open ends of this cartilage and surrounds the cartilage from the outside, was detected. It was determined that the trachea consisted of tunica mucosa, submucosa, and tunica adventitia layers. The pulmo sinister in the lynx lung consisted of two main lobes, lobus cranialis, and lobus caudalis. Lobus cranialis was also divided among itself as pars cranialis and pars caudalis. Pulmo dexter was divided into four main lobes as lobus cranialis, lobus medius, lobus caudalis, and lobus accessorius. It was determined that there were connective tissue capsule surrounding the lung, respiratory bronchioles, alveoli, intraalveolar septum, and abundant blood vessels. In intraalveolar septum; capillaries, erythrocytes were determined. Type I and type II pneumocytes were seen covering the alveolar surface. In addition, it was determined that there were macrophages in the alveolar sacs.