-In an assessment of the usefulness of diffcrcnl root canal instruments, two aspects arc of particular interest fbr the endodontist: the cutting efficiency of the instrunieiUs and their ability to enlarge cun^ed canals without undesirable changes of the canal shape such as the fbnriation of zips and elbows. This review pajUM" is based on own investigations on the cutting elliciency and iiistrumentaUon of curved canals. Addilionally, two parameters which arc described in ISO 3630-1, resistance to bending and resistance to fracture, are discussed. With regard to cutting eflicicncy in rotaiy motion, flexible stainless steel reamers and K-filcs clearly display the best results and are superior to conventional stainless steel as well as titanium-based reamers and K-files. Regarding cutting efficiency in linear motion, stainless steel Hedstrom files made by certain manufacturers are significantly superior to stainless steel and titanium-based Hedstrom files of other brands. Flexible stainless steel instruments with modified noncutting tips clearly produce the best canal shape in curved canals. With only rare exceptions, all the instruments tested fulfilled the requirements of the ISO standard concerning resistance to fracture and resistance to bending.