Aim: This study aimed at evaluating histological features of 52 cases of calcifying odontogenic cyst (COC), which is an uncommon benign odontogenic lesion. The World Health Organization (WHO) classified COC as a neoplasm and used the term calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor (CCOT) for benign cystic type and the dentinogenic ghost cell tumor (DGCT) for the benign solid-type lesions. There is no agreement regarding COC classification.
Materials and methods:A total of 52 cases of COC were selected and reviewed from the archive of the Pathology Department of Taleghani Educational Hospital, Tehran, Iran. To better understand the pathogenesis of COC, the cases were classified.Results: There were 52 cases (31 males and 21 females). The lesion was found in all age groups, and patients' age from 8 to 61 years. Nineteen cases affected the maxilla, and 33 cases affected the mandible. Except two cases, all were intraosseous lesions. Radiographically, 30 cases showed a unilocular radiolucent area, and 22 cases showed a mixed radiolucent/ radiopaque region. Histopathologically, 43 cases were cystic type and 9 cases were neoplastic.
Conclusion:There are two different histopathological entities. In view of these findings, it is very difficult to determine every lesion that has a cystic architecture is truly cystic or is a neoplastic one in nature. It is believed that the solid variants may be neoplastic.Clinical significance: A better understanding of the histological type of the lesion can provide a classification across patients. This can help in treatment planning to improve patient outcomes.