with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Brian Bangs (formerly with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, now U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) provided insights on processes and habitat responses to streambed drawdowns in the reaches downstream from Fall Creek Dam. John and Pam Baumann, Pat and Kerney Simpson, Jeff and Joan Devore, and Carol Brewer (residents, landowners, and land managers along Fall Creek and the Middle Fork Willamette River) provided access to monitoring sites and shared observations regarding channel conditions and streambed drawdown operations at Fall Creek Lake. Melissa Olson and Jason Nuckols with The Nature Conservancy provided access to field monitoring sites and perspectives on channel changes. Audrey Squires and Sarah Dyrdahl (both formerly with the Middle Fork Willamette Watershed Council) contributed knowledge of the Middle Fork Willamette River Basin. Audrey also assisted with field surveys. Mikel Calle Navarro (formerly with El Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales) provided field assistance. Aerial imagery was provided by Frontier Precision (Chase Fly) and Brown-Western Aviation (Gary and