The paper presents new paleotectonic data on the Bovanenkovo, Taz, and Gubkin dome-shaped uplifts and the Novyi Port, Urengoi, Kharampur, and Medvezh'e swells, with implications for the history of zone J 2 and the Jurassic reservoir as a whole. Most of the large uplifts originated in the Early-Middle Jurassic and completed their evolution in the early Late Cretaceous (latest Cenomanian), generally (Bovanenkovo, Novyi Port, Kharampur, and Taz) or to a large extent (Urengoi and Gubkin), except for the much younger Medvezh'e swell, which formed in the Paleogene-Quaternary interval. The conditions for oil storage and retention in anticlinal traps of Jurassic zones J 1 and J 2 were the most favorable between the middle Late Cretaceous and the Eocene, inclusive. Gas accumulation lasted for a much longer time, from the Late Jurassic to the Present, and was especially rapid in the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene.