This doctoral research examines the evolution of British Asian radio in England from 1960 to 2004. During the post-war period an Asian community started migrating to Britain to seek employment as a result of the industrial labour shortage. The BBC and the independent local radio sector tried to cater to this newly arrived migrant community through its radio output either in their mother tongue or in the English language. Later, this Asian community started its own separate radio services. This research project explores this transformation of Asian radio, from broadcasting radio programmes for the Asian community on existing radio stations, to the creation of independent local and community radio stations, catering to the Asian community exclusively in England.Existing research concentrates on the stereotype images and lack of representation of Asian community on the British radio; it lacks a comprehensive overview of the role of radio during the settlement period of the newly migrant Asian community. Hence, this research sets out to fill that gap by bringing in the significant facet of the early years' Asian radio programming, mainly on the BBC, and the development of independent British Asian radio broadcasting in England. The main methods used to conduct this research are archives and in-depth semi-structured interviews, which have helped me to understand the relationship between the development of British Asian radio and the ongoing migration of the Asian community in England.This research provides a fresh and strong dimension of British Asian radio services in England. It confirms that the issues of access, participation, representation, integration, and linguistic expression were identified, discussed and acted upon by British and Asian radio enthusiasts, radio campaigners and Asian community groups since the 1960s, which led to the creation of British Asian radio in England. I believe this research will bring forth the importance and relevance of having British Asian radio services in England.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThis study was undertaken under the BU Vice-Chancellor's Scholarship at Bournemouth University, UK and I consider myself extremely fortunate to have been granted this opportunity. Without this scholarship, I could not have embarked on this journey. I would like to thank my supervisors Professor Hugh Chignell and Dr Kristin Skoog; this thesis could not have been researched and written without the valued guidance, supervision and continuous support from both of them. I would also like to thank the participants of the research who gave me their valuable time and insights through interviews for this thesis. I am also grateful to the BBC's Written Archive Centre as well as the IBA Archive at Bournemouth University to be able to access the valuable archives for this research. This research could not have been possible without infinite support of my loving husband Amol. Also, this research could not have been possible if my then one-year old and now five-year old son Ruhaan had not been patient in his most ...