15Importance 37Chronically HIV-1 infected children that develop elite neutralizing activity are suitable can-38 didates to understand the mechanisms that lead to the co-evolution of virus and antibody re-39 sponse. Here, we evaluated the alterations in virus and antibody responses over time in chron-40 ically HIV-1C infected monozygotic pediatric twins, AIIMS_329 and AIIMS_330, who had 41 acquired the infection by vertical transmission. AIIMS_330 retained the elite plasma neutral-42izing activity throughout, while in AIIMS_329, the potency decreased post 90 months of age. 43The corresponding viral pool from post 90-month samples in AIIMS_330 showed varied sus-44 ceptibility, while that in AIIMS_329, developed resistance to bnAbs and autologous plasma 45antibodies. The findings of this study, conducted in twin children of same genetic make-up 46 and infected at birth with a single source of HIV-1C, suggest that a viral pool with varied 47 susceptibility to antibodies could have been one of the factors responsible for sustained elite 48 neutralizing activity in AIIMS_330. 49
Keywords 50Epitope mapping, HIV-1C envelope, pediatric HIV-1C infection, broadly neutralizing anti-51 bodies, V2-glycan, V3-glycan, pediatric elite neutralizers. 52