With the advent of advanced MRI techniques it has become possible to study axonal white matter non-invasively and in great detail. Measuring the various parameters of the long-range connections of the brain opens up the possibility to build and refine detailed models of large-scale neuronal activity. One particular challenge is to find a mathematical description of action potential propagation that is sufficiently simple, yet still biologically plausible to model signal transmission across entire axonal fibre bundles. We develop a mathematical framework in which we replace the Hodgkin-Huxley dynamics by a spike-diffuse-spike model with passive sub-threshold dynamics and explicit, threshold-activated ion channel currents. This allows us to study in detail the influence of the various model parameters on the action potential velocity and on the entrainment of action potentials between ephaptically coupled fibres without having to recur to numerical simulations. Specifically, we recover known results regarding the influence of axon diameter, node of Ranvier length and internode length on the velocity of action potentials. Additionally, we find that the velocity depends more strongly on the thickness of the myelin sheath than was suggested by previous theoretical studies. We further explain the slowing down and synchronisation of action potentials in ephaptically coupled fibres by their dynamic interaction. In summary, this study presents a solution to incorporate detailed axonal parameters into a whole-brain modelling framework.
Author summaryWith more and more data becoming available on white-matter tracts, the need arises to develop modelling frameworks that incorporate these data at the whole-brain level. This requires the development of efficient mathematical schemes to study parameter dependencies that can then be matched with data, in particular the speed of action potentials that cause delays between brain regions. Here, we develop a method that describes the formation of action potentials by threshold activated currents, often referred to as spike-diffuse-spike modelling. A particular focus of our study is the dependence of the speed of action potentials on structural parameters. We find that the diameter of axons and the thickness of the myelin sheath have a strong influence on the speed, whereas the length of myelinated segments and node of Ranvier length have a lesser effect. In addition to examining single axons, we demonstrate that action potentials between nearby axons can synchronise and slow down their propagation speed. August 8, 2019 1/35 48 the spatial discretisation must be relatively coarse to ensure numerical stability, which 49 can be remedied to some extent by advanced numerical methods and computational 50 effort [34]. The other problem, however, cannot be remedied that easily: it is the lack of 51 insight into how the model parameters influence the results, since there is a large 52 August 8, 2019 2/35 number of parameters involved. A way to illustrate parameter dependencies in an 53 effici...