We explore the n-twisted Ramond sector of the deformed two-dimensional $$ \mathcal{N} $$
= (4, 4) superconformal (T4)N/SN orbifold theory, describing bound states of D1-D5 brane system in type IIB superstring. We derive the large-N limit of the four-point function of two R-charged twisted Ramond fields and two marginal deformation operators at the free orbifold point. Specific short-distance limits of this function provide several structure constants, the OPE fusion rules and the conformal dimensions of a few non-BPS operators. The second order correction (in the deformation parameter) to the two-point function of the Ramond fields, defined as double integrals over this four-point function, turns out to be UV-divergent, requiring an appropriate renormalization of the fields. We calculate the corrections to the conformal dimensions of the twisted Ramond ground states at the large-N limit. The same integral yields the first-order deviation from zero of the structure constant of the three-point function of two Ramond fields and one deformation operator. Similar results concerning the correction to the two-point function of bare twist operators and their renormalization are also obtained.