We find a family of AdS 2 ×M 4 supersymmetric solutions of the six-dimensional F(4) gauged supergravity coupled to one vector multiplet that arises as a low energy description of massive type IIA supergravity on (warped) AdS 6 × S 4 . M 4 is either a Kähler-Einstein manifold or a product of two Riemann surfaces with a constant curvature metric. These solutions correspond to the near-horizon region of a family of static magnetically charged black holes. In the case where M 4 is a product of Riemann surfaces, we successfully compare their entropy to a microscopic counting based on the recently computed topologically twisted index of the five-dimensional N = 1 USp(2N ) theory with N f fundamental flavors and an antisymmetric matter field. Furthermore, our results suggest that the near-horizon regions exhibit an attractor mechanism for the scalars in the matter coupled F(4) gauged supergravity, and we give a proposal for it.Recently there has been some progress in understanding the microscopic origin of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of supersymmetric asymptotically anti-de Sitter (AdS) black holes. In particular, the microscopic entropy of certain four-dimensional static, dyonic, BPS black holes [1][2][3][4][5], which can be embedded in AdS 4 × S 7 , has been reproduced by a field theory calculation based on the topologically twisted index [6] of the dual ABJM theory in the large N limit [7-9]. These black holes have an AdS 2 × Σ g near-horizon geometry, where Σ g is a Riemann surface of genus g. The topologically twisted index is the partition function of the dual field theory on Σ g × S 1 , partially topologically A-twisted along Σ g . Specifically, the index Z(p I , ∆ I ) is a function of a set of magnetic charges p I and complexified chemical potentials ∆ I for the global symmetries of the theory. The statistical entropy S BH of the black holes with purely magnetic charges is then obtained by evaluating Z(p I , ∆ I ) at its critical point∆ I :