“…[8] defined mixed cusp forms using the automorphy factor where They proved that the space S2,i(Γ,tι;, χ) of mixed cusp forms of type (2,1) associated to Γ, ω and χ is canonically isomorphic to the space H°(E, Ω 2 ) of holomorphic 2-forms on E. In [14] mixed automorphic forms of type (2, n) for n > 1 were defined using the automorphy factor and it was proved that the space S^nίΓ^x) of mixed cusp forms of type (2,m) associated to Γ, ω and χ is canonically isomorphic to the space H°(E n , Ω n+1 ) of holomorphic (n + l)-forms on the elliptic variety E n , where E n is obtained by resolving the singularities of the compactification of the nfold fiber product of E o over X o . Assuming that Γ C 5L(2, R) with -1 £ Γ and that % is an inclusion Γ °-> SX(2,M), the above result of Hunt and Meyer was proved by Shioda [31] and the higher weight case was proved by Sόkurov [32] (see also [33], [34]). …”