In this paper, we study representations of Hom-Lie algebroids, give some properties of Hom-Lie algebroids and discuss equivalent statements of Hom-Lie algebroids. Then, we prove that two known definitions of Hom-Lie algebroids can be transformed into each other under some conditions.
IntroductionThe notion of Hom-Lie algebras was introduced by Hartwig, Larsson, and Silvestrov in [3] as a part of a study of deformations of the Witt and the Virasoro algebras. In a Hom-Lie algebra, the Jacobi identity is twisted by a linear map, called the Hom-Jacobi identity. Some q-deformations of the Witt and the Virasoro algebras have the structure of a Hom-Lie algebra [3,4]. Because of close relations to discrete and deformed vector fields and differential calculus [3, 5, 6], more people pay special attention to this algebraic structure. For a party of k-cochains on Hom-Lie algebras, name k-Hom-cochains, there is a series of coboundary operators [11]; for regular Hom-Lie algebras, [12] gives a new coboundary operator on k-cochains, and there are many works have been done by the special coboundary operator [12,13]. In [15], there is a series of coboundary operators, and the author generalizes the result " If k is a Lie algebra, ρ : k −→ gl(V ) is a representation if and only if there is a degree-1 operator D on Λk * ⊗ V satisfying D 2 = 0, andwhere d k : ∧ k g * −→ ∧ k+1 g * is the coboundary operator associated to the trivial representation."Geometric generalizations of Hom-Lie algebras are given in [7][13]. In [7], C. Laurent-Gengoux and J. Teles proved that there is a one-to-one correspondence between Hom-Gerstenhaber algebras and Hom-Lie algebroids; in [14], base on Hom-Lie algebroids from [7], the authors study representation of Hom-Lie algebroids. In [13], the authors make small modifications to the definition of Hom-Lie algebroids, and give a new definition of Hom-Lie algebroids, base on the new definition of Hom-Lie algebroids, definitions of Hom-Lie bialgebroids and Hom-Courant algebroids are given.In this article, we first study representations of Hom-Lie algebroids, give equivalent statements of Hom-Lie algebroids and prove that different definitions of Hom-Lie algebroids are given by the same Hom-Lie algebras and their representations. 0 Keyword: Hom-Lie algebroids; Hom-Lie algebras; representations 0 MSC: 17B99,58H05 0