Turbulence in a superfluid in the zero-temperature limit consists of a dynamic tangle of quantized vortex filaments. Different types of turbulence are possible depending on the level of correlations in the orientation of vortex lines. We provide an overview of turbulence in superfluid 4 He with a particular focus on recent experiments probing the decay of turbulence in the zero-temperature regime below 0.5 K. We describe extensive measurements of the vortex line density during the free decay of different types of turbulence: ultraquantum and quasiclassical turbulence in both stationary and rotating containers. The observed decays and the effective dissipation as a function of temperature are compared with theoretical models and numerical simulations.Superfluid helium is an ordered fluid with truly zero viscosity. Its local velocity is v s ðr; tÞ = Z m4 ∇θ, where θðr; tÞ is the macroscopically coherent phase of the complex order parameter (here we refer to the common isotope 4 He with atomic mass m 4 ). As a result, the velocity circulation around any closed contour through the superfluid is always quantized in units of κ ≡ h=m 4 . This allows stable topological defects-quantized vortex lines, i.e., vortices with precisely one quantum of circulation around their filamentary cores with a thickness of just a 0 ∼ 1 Å (inside which the order parameter is suppressed) (1, 2). Such a line can bend, move, and reconnect with another line when they come very close to each other. An array of vortex lines appears naturally as the equilibrium state of a superfluid rotating with the container (3-5). However, vortices can also form nonequilibrium tangles, known as "quantum turbulence" (QT) (6), that possesses excess energy. As in any nonequilibrium system, the presence and structure of the vortex tangle is a result of the history of generation of vortices and flow in the liquid.In contrast to vortex lines, particle-like excitations (phonons and rotons) are in thermal equilibrium, so their density increases with temperature. These scatter off the cores of vortex lines exerting the mutual friction force on the superfluid. At temperatures below about 0.5 K, the excitations are too depleted to affect vortex dynamics and can be neglected. Between about 0.5 and 0.7 K, they are nearly ballistic and can be treated as a small dissipative perturbation that damps Kelvin waves (helical perturbations of the shape of vortex lines) (2, 7) of wavelengths smaller than η q ðTÞ, which decreases with decreasing T (8). At higher temperatures, excitations form a fluid of low viscosity (the normal component). The normal component can move at velocity v n ðrÞ that is different from v s ðrÞ. The presence of two coexisting but weakly interacting (they only interact in the presence of quantized vortices) fluids, superfluid and normal (both of which can be independently turbulent), is a unique feature of superfluid helium. At high temperatures, Kelvin waves of all wavelengths are damped. With decreasing temperature between some 0.7 and 0.5 K, first larger...