Consider a receiver in a multiuser network that wishes to decode several messages. Simultaneous joint typicality decoding is one of the most powerful techniques for determining the fundamental limits at which reliable decoding is possible. This technique has historically been used in conjunction with random i.i.d. codebooks to establish achievable rate regions for networks. Recently, it has been shown that, in certain scenarios, nested linear codebooks in conjunction with "single-user" or sequential decoding can yield better achievable rates. For instance, the compute-forward problem examines the scenario of recovering L ≤ K linear combinations of transmitted codewords over a K-user multipleaccess channel (MAC), and it is well established that linear codebooks can yield higher rates. Here, we develop bounds for simultaneous joint typicality decoding used in conjunction with nested linear codebooks, and apply them to obtain a larger achievable region for compute-forward over a K-user discrete memoryless MAC. The key technical challenge is that competing codeword tuples that are linearly dependent on the true codeword tuple introduce statistical dependencies, which requires careful partitioning of the associated error events. Index Terms Compute-forward, joint decoding, linear codes, multiple-access channel I. INTRODUCTION For several decades, decode-forward [1], compress-forward [1], and amplify-forward [2] have served as the fundamental building blocks of transmission strategies for relay networks. These three relaying strategies were initially developed on canonical network models such as the relay channel and diamond relay network using random