Abstract. Let S n be the symmetric group of degree n, and let F be a field of characteristic p. Suppose that l is a partition of n þ 1, that a and b are partitions of n that can be obtained by removing a node of the same residue from l, and that a dominates b. Let S a and S b be the Specht modules, defined over F , corresponding to a, respectively b. We use Jucys-Murphy elements to give a very simple description of a non-zero homomorphism S a ! S b . Following Lyle, we also give an explicit expression for the homomorphism in terms of semi-standard homomorphisms. Our methods furnish a lower bound for the Jantzen submodule of S b that contains the image of the homomorphism. Our results allow us to describe completely the structure of the ring End F Sn ðS l # Sn Þ when p 0 2.