Motivation. Sometime around the turn of the recent millennium, those of us in Manchester and Moscow who had been collaborating since the mid-1990s began using the term toric topology to describe our widening interests in certain well-behaved actions of the torus. Little did we realise that, within seven years, a significant international conference would be planned with the subject as its theme, and delightful Japanese hospitality at its heart.When first asked to prepare this article, we fantasised about an authoritative and comprehensive survey; one that would lead readers carefully through the foothills above which the subject rises, and provide techniques for gaining sufficient height to glimpse its extensive mathematical vistas. All this, and more, would be illuminated by references to the wonderful Osaka lectures! Soon afterwards, however, reality took hold, and we began to appreciate that such a task could not be completed to our satisfaction within the timescale available. Simultaneously, we understood that at least as valuable a service could be rendered to conference participants by an invitation to a wider mathematical audience -an invitation to savour the atmosphere and texture of the subject, to consider its geology and history in terms of selected examples and representative literature, to glimpse its exciting future through ongoing projects; and perhaps to locate favourite Osaka lectures within a novel conceptual framework. Thus was born the Toric Tetrahedron TT , which identifies aspects of algebraic, combinatorial, and symplectic geometry as the precursors of toric topology, and symbolises the powerful mathematical bonds between all four areas.The Tetrahedron is the convex hull of these vertex disciplines, and every point has barycentric coordinates that measure the extent of their respective contributions. We introduce the vertices in chronological order (a mere two years separates