Resumo -O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar espécies e linhagens de Trichogramma e Trichogrammatoidea, com potencial para controle da broca-do-abacate Stenoma catenifer, considerada a principal praga do abacateiro (Persea americana Mill.
Trichogramma and Trichogrammatoidea strains to control Stenoma cateniferAbstract -The objective of this work was to select Trichogramma and Trichogrammatoidea species and strains with potential to control the avocado fruit borer Stenoma catenifer, considered the main avocado (Persea americana Mill.) pest. Laboratory experiments were carried out with the following strains and species, which comprised eight Trichogramma pretiosum; one Trichogramma atopovirilia; two Trichogramma bruni; and one Trichogrammatoidea annulata. The number of parasitoids to be released per S. catenifer egg under semi-field conditions was studied. Biological parameters evaluated in laboratory were egg-adult development time, survivorship, parasitism, sex ratio, number of parasitoids emerged per S. catenifer egg, and adult longevity. In semi-field experiment, the number of parasitized eggs was evaluated. The species Trichogrammatoidea annulata, Trichogramma atopovirilia and their strains were selected for the largest number of S. catenifer eggs parasitized. Under semi-field conditions, the highest parasitism was achieved with an estimated ratio of 28 and 30 parasitoids per pest egg, respectively, for Trichogrammatoidea annulata and Trichogramma atopovirilia.