Appreciation for the role of cryptofauna in ecological systems has increased dramatically over the past decade. The impacts blood-feeding arthropods, such as ticks and mosquitos, have on terrestrial communities are the subject of hundreds of papers annually. However, blood-feeding arthropods have been largely ignored in marine environments. Gnathiid isopods, often referred to as "ticks of the sea", are temporary external parasites of shes. They are found in all marine environments and have many consequential impacts on host tness. Because they are highly mobile and only associated with their hosts while obtaining a blood meal, their broader trophic connections are di cult to discern. Conventional methods rely heavily on detecting gnathiids on wild-caught shes. However, this approach typically yields few gnathiids and does not account for hosts that avoid capture. To overcome this limitation, we sequenced blood meals of free-living gnathiids collected in light traps to assess the host range and community-dependent exploitation of Caribbean gnathiid isopods. Using sh-speci c COI (cox1) primers, sequencing individual blood meals from 1,060 gnathiids resulted in the identi cation of 70 host sh species from 27 families. Comparisons of sh assemblages to blood meal identi cation frequencies at four collection sites indicated that shes within the families Haemulidae (grunts) and Lutjanidae (snappers) were exploited more frequently than expected based on their biomass, and Labrid parrot shes were exploited less frequently than expected. The broad host range along with the biased exploitation of diel-migratory species has important implications for the role gnathiid isopods play in Caribbean coral reef communities.