Gynaikothrips microchaetus Ananthakrishnan and Jagadish (1969) was described from Dharwar in Karnataka, and until now has been known only from southern India (Ananthakrishnan & Sen 1980). The original description was based on an unspecified number of syntypes, with no depositary indicated. However, one of the authors (R. Varatharajan) acquired four slides that are labelled by Ananthakrishnan as this species and bear the same collection details as given in the original description. These are assumed to be syntypes, and one female is here designated as lectotype. The other three slides are of males and are considered as paralectotypes. Further, during extensive surveys for thrips at Dampa Tiger Reserve, Mizoram (23.32 0 N 92.13 0 E) and Manipur University campus (24.82 0 N 93.90 0 E) during 2014-18, we have collected both sexes of this species from the leaves of Ficus curtipes. The freshly collected specimens were mounted onto microscope slides in Canada balsam, and identified using the keys provided by Ananthakrishnan and Sen (1980). Hence, the species is illustrated and re-described with additional features, based on the type material together with freshly collected specimens from north eastern India, Manipur and Mizoram. The following abbreviations are used for pronotal setae: am-anteromarginals; aa-anteroangulars; pa-posteroangulars; ml-midlaterals; po-postocular; epim-epimerals; abdominal tergite IX setae S1, S2 & S3-setal pairs I, II and III respectively (S1 nearest the mid-line).
Gynaikothrips microchaetus Ananthakrishnan and Jagadish (Figs 1-9)Female macroptera. Body colour mainly brown; femora brown, tarsi yellow; fore tibiae yellow with small brown area at base, mid and hind tibiae brown with distal one-third yellow; tarsi yellow; antennal segments I-II brown, III-VIII uniformly yellow (Fig. 3); pronotal epimeral setae pale to very weakly shaded. Head longer than wide; with two pairs of slender, pointed, po setae not reaching to compound eyes (Fig. 1); po setae vary in length 16-43 microns, and also vary in position such that they are not always in a simple transverse row; maxillary stylets about one-third of head width apart, retracted to base of postocular setae (Fig. 1). Antennal segmentation and sense cones typical of genus. Pronotum epimeral setae well developed, apex weakly expanded (Fig. 2), am setae minute (6-15 microns), aa, ml and pa variable in length (10-30 microns); notopleural sutures complete. Fore tarsal tooth small, directed forwards (Fig. 3). Fore wings parallelsided, with 14-20 duplicated cilia. Prosternal basantra absent; mesopresternum boat shaped; metathoracic sternopleural sutures absent. Pelta triangular (Fig. 4); tergites II-VII with 2 pairs of sigmoid wing-retaining setae (Fig. 7); tube length variable, anal setae shorter than tube (Fig. 6).Measurements (lectotype female in microns). Body length 2545. Head, length 275; width 222; po, inner pair 30; outer pair 20. Pronotum, length 158; width 282; major setae-am 15, aa 20, pa 24, ml 25, epim 96. Mesonotum lateral setae 30. Fore win...