The reactions of recoil " C1 atoms (produced in a high flux nuclear reactor) with liquid chlorobenzenes were investigated. The yields of " CI-for-H and Q-replacement reactions, of inorganic Compounds and of polymers were measured in the presence of scavengers, by GLCtechniques and by gelfiltration over Sephadex.
In unscavenged chlorobenzene, C^ Hj" C1 (52%) is formed via a direct hot replacement reaction (5%), via a thermal exchange reaction (28%) and via a radiation induced exchange reaction (19%). It is believed that hot H-abstraction leads to the inorganic yield, because this yield is not influenced by the addition of organic unsaturated Compounds. The total organic yield is not in-fluenced by the addition of organic scavengers, but the natura of the products depends considerably on the kind of scavenger used.Ophthalmie Research Institute (lOI)