Amusement parks occurred in Europe and North American as early as in 19 century (Clave and Clarke, 2007). Theme park in China is relatively new. Not until 1989, first attraction development, the Splendid China, was established in Shenzhen (Ap, 2008). However, witnessed the rapid economic development in China in the past decades, Chinese consumers rapidly and significantly raised their leisure expenditure, one of key growth area is to attend theme park (Martin, et al., 2018). The theme park collects recreational entertainment, leisure activities, and seeking excitement into one entity, often preferred by visitors as one stop vacation-taking place. More important, theme park is often a center for cultural manifestation, responsiveness, and appreciation, and these attributes are often associated with the place where it is built. The purpose of this manuscript was to understand the cultural and psychological demands for the Disney Shanghai Park in China. A Triangulation method of Critical Analysis, Word Cloud, and Thematic Content Analysis was used. Two data points were analyzed: Hotel Comments and Park Remarks. The common thread through the Shanghai data was group processes and decisions that relate to the development of the group. 30 term of its reliability. As it was mentioned earlier, some comments could be well-inflamed other than accurate. We recommend future research to use this finding as a springboard to further look into theme park goers' expectation and satisfaction in the context of cultural appreciation. A combined of qualitative and quantitative research approach is strongly recommended for future research as well. Do we believe in TripAdvisor? Examining credibility perceptions and online travelers' attitude toward using user-generated content. Shanghai surprise: The city heats up with in the know boutiques. fashionable nightlife and seductively revitalized hotels.