Over the past decade, digital innovations have challenged traditional concepts of urban transport and introduced new opportunities for improving people's access to services and economic opportunities. In response, cities have redefined their technology roadmaps and business strategies and are increasingly encouraging more collaboration between the public and private sectors. Technology and service-led disruptions are not only impacting private car usage models, they are also enhancing multimodal journey planning and payment options which will drive new mobility initiatives in future cities. From data analytics, through to machine learning, on-demand shared mobility, Blockchain, Fog Computing, and connected vehicles, these technologies are set to transform the landscape of urban transport and reduce dependence on private cars. These technologies offer opportunities to measure and monitor city functions, manage the performance of transport infrastructure, and identify where services need improvements. This chapter discusses the role of disruptive innovations, some established and others emerging, and their impacts on transport operations. The chapter also describes how digitalization of physical assets provides opportunities to enable real-time monitoring and analysis of urban mobility and movement of freight. The chapter draws on practical applications and explains the key behavioral, societal, and technological impacts and benefits. Finally, the chapter provides insights into the potential value derived from typical use cases in smart mobility solutions enabled by technology-led innovations.