D--Solid-liquid transitions PACS 64.60.qe -General theory and computer simulations of nucleation PACS 64.60.an -Finite-size systems Abstract -We report an extensive Monte-Carlo study of the melting of the classical two dimensional Wigner crystal for a system of point particles interacting via the 1/r-Coulomb potential. A hexatic phase is found in systems large enough. With the multiple histograms method and the finite size scaling theory, we show that the fluid/hexatic phase transition is weakly first order. No set of critical exponents, consistent with a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition and the finite size scaling analysis for this transition, have been found.Like charged particles immersed in a homogeneous neutralizing background form crystals at low temperature [1][2][3] ; these crystals are called Wigner crystals after the seminal work of E.P. Wigner in 1934 on electrons in metals [1]. Since the original work of Wigner, Coulomb crystals have been observed in a large variety of systems: in plasma physics [4,5], in colloids science [6,7], in semiconductors [8][9][10] and in biology [7]. Two dimensional Wigner crystals are observed in complex plasmas [4,5], in electrons trapped on the surface of liquid Helium [11][12][13][14], in lasercooled 9 Be + ions confined in Penning traps [15], in inversion layer of semiconductors at low temperature [16]. Colloids and dusty plasmas are classical systems ; the classical regime for electrons and ions is defined, in absence of magnetic field, when the Fermi energy is small compared to interaction energy and temperature ; for surface electrons, it corresponds to low surface density [3,17,18]. The ground-state of the classical two dimensional Wigner crystal is known to be a triangular lattice [2,3,[19][20][21] and it is worthwhile to outline that the long ranged nature of the interaction in Coulomb systems does not fulfill the hypothesis of the Mermin theorem on the abscence of long ranged cristalline order in two dimensions [22]. For all experimental systems mentioned above, the study of the phase transition between the ordered Wigner crystal and the disordered fluid-like phases has peculiar importance. Not only for a better understanding of the structural properties of these systems, but also for the theoretical study of the two dimensional meltings [23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40]. In this letter, we report an extensive Monte Carlo study of the melting of the classical two dimensional Wigner crystal. The system is made of N charged point particles confined in a two dimensional plane ; periodic boundary conditions in two dimensions are used. The interaction energy between a pair of particles is the Coulomb energy V (r) = Q 2 /r with Q the charge of particles and r the distance in the plane between both particles. The charges of particles are neutralized by an uniform background of charge density σ 0 ; electroneutrality of the system reads as N Q + σ 0 S = 0 with S the surface of the simulation cell. The number density is noted ρ = N/S a...