Too attractive to self: How pollinators can interfere with the evolution of selfing. 1 2 Spigler, RB, LM Smith-Ramesh, and S Kalisz 3 4 Keywords: adaptive dynamics, floral costs, mixed mating, pollen discounting, selfing, selfing 5 syndrome, pollen limitation 6 7 2 ABSTRACT 8Pollinators are widely invoked to explain the evolution of selfing despite genetic conditions 9 favoring outcrossing. But their role in maintaining outcrossing despite genetic conditions 10 favoring selfing remains unexplored. We use consumer-resource models to explicitly consider 11 the how the plant-pollinator mutualism can constrain the evolution of selfing. We model 12 outcrossing as a function of attractiveness and account for the cost of attractiveness as a 13 saturating, linear, or exponential function alongside the costs of selfing: inbreeding depression 14 and pollen discounting. We show specific, clear combinations of ecological and genetic 15 conditions where pure selfing can invade a resident population of partial selfers. Complete 16 selfing can evolve in the face of pollen discounting so long as there is a cost to pollinator 17 attraction and reward. However, we also predict conditions under which mixed mating is 18 maintained even when inbreeding depression is low. Our model highlights how under some 19 scenarios mixed mating represents the worst of both worlds, leaving plants to pay the costs of 20 both inbreeding depression and attraction and even leading to extinction. By linking pollinator 21 attraction to the selfing rate, our models provide a likely common mechanism to explain pollen 22 discounting and an alternative evolutionary pathway to the selfing syndrome. 23Pollinators visit flowers according to their attractiveness, aP, as a saturating function of plant and 126 animal densities with a half-saturation constant h1. Any ovules that are not fertilized through 127 outcrossing are fertilized through delayed selfing (we assume no self-pollen limitation), with 128 survival discounted by inbreeding depression, δ. The resident plant experiences density 129 dependent mortality according to the density of P and S individuals combined, which are 130 assumed to be competing for common resources. The resident also experiences losses through 131 the cost it pays to produce attractive flowers and nectar for pollinators, where cost is a saturating 132 function of attractiveness, aP, with a half saturation constant h2, up to a maximum per capita cost 133 c. The cost of attraction as a single metric is supported by empirical evidence of positive 134 correlations between flower size and reward in some systems (e.