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3Before proceeding, it is important to note that Quick Impact Initiatives should not be seen as substitutes for long-term development strategies or for the transformation that is required to take place in institutions and policies. Implementing a full set of MDGbased investments and policies will take time and in many cases will involve complex institutional change. But by implementing the quick impact initiatives described in the following pages, large-scale progress can begin immediately and major results can be achieved within three or more years. Because QIIs have been proven to work in a reasonably short time, they can help build confidence in government and donor efforts to achieve MDG3. More importantly, they can be the fulcrum for longer-term efforts and investments to empower women.
Box 1. Illustrative Quick Wins• Eliminate school and uniform fees to ensure that all children, especially girls, are not out of school because of their families' poverty. Lost revenues should be replaced with more equitable and efficient sources of finance, including donor assistance.• Provide impoverished farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa with affordable replenishments of soil nitrogen and other soil nutrients.• Provide free school meals for all children using locally produced foods with takehome rations.• Design community nutrition programs that support breastfeeding and provide access to locally produced complementary foods and, where needed, micronutrient (especially zinc and v...