It is well-known that the Neumann initial-boundary value problem for the minimal-chemotaxis-logistic systemin a bounded smooth domain Ω ⊂ R 2 doesn't have any blow-ups for any a ∈ R, τ ≥ 0, χ > 0 and b > 0. Here, we obtain the same conclusion by replacing the logistic source au−bu 2 with a kinetic term fη>0 sup{f (s) + ηs : s > 0} η . In this setup, it is shown that this problem doesn't have any blow-up by ensuring all solutions are global-in-time and uniformly bounded. Clearly, f covers super-, logistic, sub-logistic sources like f (s) = as − bs θ with b > 0 and θ ≥ 2, f (s) = as− bs 2 ln γ (s+1) with b > 0 and γ ∈ (0, 1), and f (s) = as− bs 2 ln(ln(s+e)) with b > 0 etc. This indicates that logistic damping is not the weakest damping to guarantee boundedness for the 2D Keller-Segel minimal chemotaxis model. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 35K59, 35K51, 35K57, 92C17; Secondary: 35B44, 35A01.