“…Benchmarks on embodied agents and language Benchmarks featuring language and agents embodied in physical worlds already exists, however many of them only consider the aforementioned instruction-following [Chevalier-Boisvert et al, 2018a, Misra et al, 2018, Ruis et al, 2020 and question-answering [Das et al, 2017, Gordon et al, 2018 scenarios. In between disembodied NLP testbeds [Wang et al, 2018, Zadeh et al, 2019 and previous embodied benchmarks is the LIGHT environment [Urbanek et al, 2019], a multiplayer text adventure game allowing to study social settings requiring complex dialogue production [Ammanabrolu et al, 2020, Prabhumoye et al, 2020. Instead of the virtual embodiment of text-worlds, SocialAI tackles the arguably harder and richer setting of egocentric embodiment among embodied social peers.…”