Deep inelastic scattering is investigated here as a tool to probe the polarized nucleon structure function in nonsinglet case. During the solution of evolution equations in moment space we will encounter with non-integer power of coupling constant. Therefore it is possible to use the approach of fractional analytical perturbation theory (FAPT). Using this approach, the singularity of renormalized coupling constant is removed at Q = Λ scale as Landau pole and an opportunity would be performed to employ the perturbative calculations at small values of energy scales even less than Λ sclae. To modify the analytical perturbation theory, a newer approach is introduced, called 2δanQCD in which the analytical coupling constant at low energy region is controlling by two delta functions. This model give us more reliable results for the concerned QCD observable and ends up with safe infrared result. We intend to calculate the nonsinglet part of polarized nucleon structure function, using 2δanQCD model and compare it with the result from conventional perturbative QCD (pQCD). For this purposes we employ anQCD package in Mathematica environment to establish the analytic coupling constant. The results at some energy scales are also compared with the available experimental data which involves good consistency with them. Investigating the results indicates that the nucleon structure function at small energy scales contain smoother behaviour, using 2δanQCD model than the conventional pQCD. It is due to the more converging consequence of pertutbative series in the analytic perturbation theory. We also consider the Q 2 dependence of Bjorken sum rule (BSR), using 2δanQCD model. There is good agreement between the available experimental data for BSR and the result from utilized model, specially at low energy scales.