Purpose: To explore the feasibility and effect on outcomes of a one-time multi-component group-based intervention among women with pregnancy-related diastasis rectus abdominis (DRA). Methods: Women with clinically diagnosed DRA and minimum 8 weeks postpartum participated in a pre-post cohort pilot study. Subjects participated in a group workshop consisting of education and exercise prescription. They were assessed before the workshop and 8 weeks later with a booster session at 4 weeks. The following assessments were used: inter-recti distance (finder width), linea alba (LA) integrity, LA tension generating capacity, active straight leg raise (ASLR), Pelvic Floor Disability Index (PFDI-20), and global rating of change scale(GRC). Results: Thirty participants were enrolled in this study and 16 completed both pre and post measurements (53.3%). Following intervention, all outcomes measures improved with statistically significant changes in IRD (finger width), LA integrity, and LA tension generation. The average GRC score was 1.7. Issues with loss to follow up point to lack of feasibility of this intervention in its current format. Conclusion: We found one-time multi-component group-based intervention improved pregnancy-related DRA outcomes. Future studies need to further explore the effect of the different components within this intervention, particularly behavioural strategies. Further, the benefit of applying self-management principles in DRA interventions as well as further investigating assessment techniques is also warranted.