This paper will show how learning from another industry can have a measureable, positive impact on the energy sector; and how BP's recognition and early adoption of one visualization system has generated significant value through reduced Operational Expenditures (OPEX), increased efficiencies and enhanced collaboration.
This paper will show how BP was a pioneering adopter of visual asset management (VAM) through its use of the R2S system and how its search for innovative technological solutions outside the energy industry uncovered R2S, a technology that had been used since 2003 for crime scene forensic investigations. BP recognized that R2S would be invaluable in providing onshore staff with a detailed view of offshore facilities, comprehensive visual context, reduced travel and bed space requirements and improved access to vital information.
The case studies referenced in this paper provide examples from both the North Sea and Gulf of Mexico that demonstrate how the adoption of this technology has yielded considerable financial and time savings (stretching into man years); improved collaboration, familiarisation, problem solving, HSE and, crucially, reduced bed space requirements.
From a technology designed to support a completely different industry - forensic, R2S has evolved into a technology which is supporting BP, to meet several key challenges facing the industry, not least the lack of offshore bed space. As an established norm for asset management within various BP business segments and throughout its supply chains, this paper will also show how, through continued collaboration with the R2S development team, BP's R2S users are working to ensure the system evolves to meet business needs going forward.