This data article refers to the paper "Optimizing photovoltaic electric generation and roof insulation in existing residential buildings”
The reported data deal with roof retrofit in different types of existing residential buildings (single-family, multi-family and apartment complex) located in Milan (Northern Italy). The study focus on the optimization of envelope insulation and photovoltaic (PV) energy production associated with different building geometries, initial insulation level, roof constructions, and materials.
The data linked within this article relate to the modelled building energy consumption, renewable production, potential energy savings, and costs. Data refer to two main scenarios: refurbishment (roof in need of replacement and insulation) and re-roofing (energy intervention for roof improvement). Data allow to visualize energy consumption before and after the optimization, selected insulation level and material, costs and PV renewable production (with and without energy storage). The reduction of energy consumption can be visualized for each building type and scenario. Further data is available on CO
emissions, envelope, materials, and systems.