The present research was aimed for determining the quality of natural β-Carotene, comparing it with synthetic β-Carotene and the effect of season on it. Azolla was sampled in summer and winter seasons. The treatments included β-carotene derived from Azolla through the organic solutions. Synthetic β-Carotene was used as the control. The treatments were kept at 5°C for one year. The results showed purity, concentration, colorimetric and vitamin A in the experimental and control treatments, revealed significant difference (p<0.05). β-Carotene amount was higher in summer treatment group as compared to those sampled in winter (p<0.05). The solubility of β-Carotene was greatest in tetrahydrofuran, while methanol and acetonitrile exhibited the least solubility. Degradation was greatest in cyclohexanone. The experimental treatments had a desirable chemical quality the end of storage period. As the natural β-Carotene takes precedence over the synthetic one in terms of the food hygiene, it is recommended that β-Carotene extracted from Azolla can be substituted with synthetic β-Carotene in the food industry.