It is well known that High-Performance Thin Layer-Chromatography (HPTLC), the off-line planar chromatographic technique, has been employed in the pharmacopoeias of many countries for identification by virtue of its low-cost, less dependent on expensive equipment, flexible mobile phase composition and easy post-derivatization. In particular, the unique merit of HPTLC is able to provide the picture-like images of multiple samples in parallel on the same plate for instant viewing. In addition to the two dimension parameters (migration distance (R f value), integration peak value), the attractive color image, as the third dimension parameter, enhances the potency of HPTLC identification. The bioactivity of herbal medicines released from its compound bioactive ingredients in a holistic manner. Therefore the detected total chemical composition in the image should be reasonably more meaningful to assessing the inherent quality than only any selected single marker constituent of the given herbal drug. A vivid colorful picture-like HPTLC image could be easily recognized but not described properly by words. Hence extending the plate spot/band capacity on the plate for involving the bioactive components as much as possible. Combining digitizing the HPTLC image, the acquired infographic (HPTLC image, the digital scanning profile and the integrated parameters) can be used for establishing the fingerprint common pattern of the given species. It can be coupled with chemometrics analysis for more effectively quantifiable assessing the inherit quality of the herbal drugs. In this paper we reported methodically some Chinese herbal drugs analysis via various levels for demonstration of the practical application in QC.