Mental disorders are the conditions of poor functioning of physiological and mental processes that impact changes in thoughts, feelings, and behaviour that interfere with the function of daily life. The method of service was carried out by counselling families and patients with physical illnesses, then continued with mental health gymnastics. Based on the results of this service knowledge before and after education were obtained, there was an increase in knowledge after being given health education, in which the pretest given to 32 elderly people showed that 12 elderly people got a score of 100. In comparison, the post-test results showed that 18 elderly people scored 100. The conclusion of implementing this community service is the importance of mental health cadres' role in mobilising healthy families and the risk of psychosocial problems and mental disorders to attend counselling so that the family's health status has improved. Cadres also play a role in monitoring clients with psychosocial problems and mental disorders.