School-age children like buying snacks after school. The snacks are sold on the roadside, therefore making them vulnerable to bacterial contamination, such as Coliform, Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus that cause foodborne diseases. Jimbaran is in South Kuta, Badung, Bali. There are 20 elementary schools in Jimbaran with 7,321 students. The purpose of this research was to determine pathogenic bacterial contamination in snacks. Sampling was done using Simple Random Sampling method, by selecting three types of snacks from five different elementary schools in Jimbaran. Testing pathogenic bacterial contamination using total plate count (TPC), Most Probable Number (MPN), and Staphylococcus aureus test. The results showed the highest average total microbes in cubit cake at Elementary School E is 34.06×104 CFU/g. The highest average of Coliforms in fried tofu at Elementary School B was 92.27×102 MPN/g. The highest average E. coli in omelets roll at Elementary School C was 63.93×102 MPN/g. The highest average S. aureus in cakkue cake at Elementary School D was 92.9×102 CFU/g. The conclusion were 45 samples had total microbial contamination, 22 samples were positive for Coliform, 16 samples were positive for E. coli, and 40 samples were positive for S. aureus. According to Indonesian Food Safety Standards (BPOM RI), 4.4% of the snacks tested were suitable for consumption, while 95.6% were not suitable for consumption.