Hypertension is high blood pressure (BP), if the systolic pressure increases from 140mmHg and the diastolic pressure increases from 90mmHg. Prevention of complications of hypertension can be done with medication and without medication to control cholesterol, without treatment such as conducting health education with regular counseling that focuses on controlling cholesterol and blood pressure by nurses. The prevalence of hypertension in people aged over 18 years in Indonesia is 34.11%. Every year the total number of people with hypertension will increase. Objective: to determine the relationship between cholesterol levels and blood pressure in patients after hypertension education at the Depok City General Hospital Methods: the design of this study was cross sectional and used Chi Square analysis. Result: Most of the study had normal cholesterol, 91 people (91.0%), almost half 46 respondents (46.0%) had moderate systolic blood pressure and half normal diastolic blood pressure as many as 63 respondents (63.0%). Conclusion: The results of statistical tests using chi square obtained a P value of 0.013 where the value (p <0.05) stated that there was a significant relationship between cholesterol levels and diastolic blood pressure of patients after hypertension education at the Depok City Hospital while there was no relationship between cholesterol levels and blood pressure. diastolic in patients post hypertension education. Recommendation: add variables that affect blood pressure in patients after hypertension education.