Shooting technique is an important skill in woodball. Furthermore, acquiring the ideal and effective shooting technique is very critical in woodball. This research aims to inquire the woodball shooting technique by biomechanical method. This is a quantitative study with descriptive data analysis, There were several coaching points which will be analyzed such as the athlete posture, the mallet movement, the ball impact, ball direction and the distance. The data were recorded by two 50 fps cameras which were located in the frontal and sagittal plane. Furthermore, the data analyzed by Kinovea 0.8.15 Software There were two woodball athletes which were involved in this study. The results, the ideal shooting technique will be drawn based on the data resulting from athlete posture, the mallet movement, the ball impact, and ball direction. The Conclusion, the shooting accuracy is influenced by the elbow and grip position. These two variables influence the ball impact if there is any difference in the preparation and impact position. Swing needs to be trained so the impact position will not change.