Hypertension is called as the "silent killer" because people with hypertension often do not know themselves have hypertension. This condition which is known as uncontrolled hypertension will cause various complications, especially stroke, heart attack, and kidney failure which can lead to death. Obesity is a risk factor that is closely related to the incidence of hypertension. This study aims to examine the association between obesity with hypertension in Mantang Integrated Health Services for Non-communicable Diseases, Bintan District, Riau Islands Province.This is cross-sectional study analyzing data from Mantang Integrated Health Services for Non-communicable diseases year 2017. Collected samples were 330 adults aged 18 years or more. A dependent variable is hypertension. The main independent variable was obesity and covariate variables were age, sex, education, work status, family history of hypertension, central obesity, smoking, physical activity, and fiber consumption. This study performed logistic regression for multivariate analysis.The results of this study indicated that 23.9% of subjects were hypertension, and 42% were obese. Obese subjects were 2.5 (95% CI: 1.21-4.89) times more likely to have hypertension than non-obese individuals. The odds ratio is calculated after adjusting the confounding effect for age, central obesity, fiber intake, and physical activity.Obesity is a significant risk factor associated with hypertension among adults in Integrated Health Services for Noncommunicable Diseases. Therefore, the effort to prevent hypertension is needed especially in the obese group.