Journal of Lipid Research Volume 56, 2015 423Adipose tissue is an endocrine organ whose products orchestrate the metabolic functions of various tissues, including brain, pancreas, and liver, to maintain systemic homeostasis. Adipocytes respond to metabolic and immune cues by mobilizing their fat stores through lipolysis and by secreting a variety of hormones and cytokines ( 1, 2 ). Such signals converge on target tissues, for example on liver to regulate glucose production, and on  cells to modulate insulin production. A critical molecule for the integration of adipocyte biology with systemic metabolic regulation is aP2 [fatty acid binding protein (FABP) 4], a lipid binding protein that is upregulated during differentiation of adipocytes and upon macrophage activation ( 3, 4 ). Since its identifi cation, aP2 has been studied primarily for its intracellular functions in lipid metabolism and infl ammation ( 3,4 ). Genetic deletion models demonstrated that this FABP plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of several chronic metabolic diseases, including diabetes, atherosclerosis, and fatty liver. Mice defi cient in aP2 or aP2 and the related protein FABP5/mal1 together have improved adipose and liver function, increased insulin sensitivity, and reduced fatty liver and cardiovascular disease in the context of high-fat diet and genetic mouse models of obesity and atherosclerosis ( 5-12 ). The link between aP2 and metabolic disease is also supported by genetic association studies in multiple populations demonstrating metabolic and cardiovascular benefi ts in individuals carrying a rare haploinsuffi ciency mutation in the aP2 locus, validating the relevance of this pathway in human disease ( 13,14 ).