The study investigated the perceptions of 67 departmental heads, 567 teachers, and 670 students randomly selected from 67 departments of 33 faculties of 15 public sector universities of Pakistan, regarding the need for instructional, professional and organizational development of faculty. Three self-constructed questionnaires, for which Cronbatch's Alpha reliability coefficients were found as 0.8418, 0.8346 and 0.7812 respectively, were used for data collection. Mean scores, alpha coefficients and correlations were calculated for the three sub-scales namely instructional development, professional development and organizational development. One-sample t-test, independent samples t-test and one-way ANOVA were employed for significance and variance analysis. An overall high need for faculty development at universities of Pakistan is pointed out by respondents. Instructional development is indicated by the respondents as having the highest degree of need followed by organizational development and Professional development in order of preference of the respondents. Pakistani universities need to take initiatives for developing their faculty to fulfill the demand of stakeholders for realizing the national higher education objectives.