ABSTRACT. The influence of triiodothyronine and hydro-However, precocious exposure of the fetus to T3 at an early cortisone on maturation of the response to epinephrine that gestation did not significantly advance the time of appearance of leads to reabsorption of lung liquid was investigated in nine this reabsorptive capacity, from which it could be concluded that chronically catheterized fetal sheep. Experiments were some other factor must play a role in determining its maturation performed on thyroidectomized fetal sheep at 116-120 d during gestation. Steroid hormones, alone or in combination gestation, well before the reabsorptive response to epi-with thyroid hormones, are known to be important in determinnephrine is normally seen. After i.v. administration of ing the maturation of structural aspects of the lung and its either triiodothyronine (60 ~g / d ) or hydrocortisone (10 mg/ surfactant system in the fetus (8, 9). Our experiments were d) for 3 d (three fetuses in each case), all fetuses continued undertaken to examine the influence of hydrocortisone alone to secrete lung liquid during exposure to epinephrine (se-and in combination with T3 on the maturation of the reabsorpcretion rate = 5.9 f 3.2 mL/h in triiodothyronine-treated tive response. Fetal sheep were studied at 116-120 d, which is a and 4.4 2 1.9 mL/h in hydrocortisone-treated fetuses). gestation well before that at which the reabsorptive response to However, when the two hormones were administered to-epinephrine normally appears. gether in the same doses to three fetuses, a striking reabsorptive response to epinephrine was seen (absorption rate
MATERIALS AND METHODS= -12.3 f 3.6 mL/h), similar to that observed in the mature fetus. Induction of this capacity to reabsorb lung Experimental preparation. The surgical preparation of chronliquid may be of importance in the management of respi-ically-catheterized fetal sheep to allow for repeated measurement ratory problems of the newborn infant. (Pediatr Res 27: of lung liquid secretion or absorption rate was identical to that 588-591,1990) described in detail by Walters and Olver (3). Nine dated, pregnant ewes were operated on at 1 12-1 15 d gestation under general Abbreviations anesthesia induced by thiopentone and maintained with fluothane. Fetal thyroidectomy was carried out and wide bore (inner T3, triiodothyronine diameter, 2.6 mm) catheters placed into each end of the incised T4, thyroxine fetal trachea, finer gauge catheters were inserted into the carotid TRH, thyrotropin-releasing hormone artery and jugular vein. The catheters were brought out through the uterus and flank of the ewe and the tracheal catheters joined to form an external loop that allowed uninterrupted flow of lung liquid from the fetal lung to the larynx between experiments. After surgery, antibiotics were given for the first 48 h to the ewe The secretion of lung liquid by the pulmonary epithelium (streptomycin 500 mg intramuscularly, benzyl penicillin 300 mg maintains expansion and promotes development of the fetal lung int...