Raf Kinase Inhibitory Protein (RKIP-1) is involved in the regulation of the MAP kinase, NF-κB, and GPCR signaling pathways. It is expressed in numerous tissues and cell types and orthologues have been documented throughout the animal and plant kingdoms. RKIP-1 has also been reported as an inhibitor of serine proteases, and a precursor of a neurostimulatory peptide. RKIP-1 has been implicated as a suppressor of metastases in several human cancers. We generated a knockout strain of mice to further assess RKIP-1's function in mammals. RKIP-1 is expressed in many tissues with the highest protein levels detectable in testes and brain. In the brain, expression was ubiquitous in limbic formations, and homozygous mice developed olfaction deficits in the first year of life. We postulate that RKIP-1 may be a modulator of behavioral responses.