This self-archived version is provided for non-commercial and scholarly purposes only.The APA (6 th ed) style reference for this article is as follows: M. (2015). Personal reputation and the organization. J ournal of Management and Organization, 21, 217-236. doi: 10.1017/jmo.2014.76 REPUTATION AND THE ORGANIZATION 2 Abstract Drawing from fields such as marketing psychology, strategy, social psychology, and organizational behavior, the present examination explores the individual and organizational bases for personal reputation; specifically, how different bases interact with one another to produce an individual's reputation within organizations. It is proposed that individuals use personal reputations to satisfy their need for positive self-esteem as well as to secure their sense of belonging in organizations. Furthermore, reputation allows individuals to obtain rewards such as autonomy, power, and career success and the opportunity to signal key information to audiences. Likewise, organizations utilize personal reputations to predict their members' behaviors, market those who are a part of the organization to others, build their own corporate reputations, and signal information to consumers and competitors. To further this understanding of personal reputation an examination is presented as to how organizations serve as an essential context within which individuals realize their personal reputations and regulate their behavior.